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How to report missed garbage collection or report a missing/damaged cart?

Please call 311 or create an account here to report a missed collection. You can report a lot of other things to the City/Parish through 311.

Missed Garbage Collection:

Before filing a report for missed garbage service, please first review your neighborhood’s garbage and recycling pick-up schedule and ensure that your garbage was placed at the curb no later than 5 a.m., at least three feet away from your mailbox, utility poles, trees, gas or water meters.

Please also keep in mind the following rules and restrictions related to trash collection. If your household is in violation of these restrictions, the City-Parish garbage contractor is not authorized to collect your items.

  1. Items eligible for pick-up includes bagged household garbage including food waste and trash.

  2. The City-Parish garbage service is not authorized to collect household hazardous waste such as paint, chemicals, thinner, batteries and electronics.

  3. Cart lids must be closed, with nothing placed on top, and overflowing carts will not be collected, and move any vehicles blocking the street on collection day.

If you believe that your garbage service was missed and it was not due to any of the above violations, please contact 3-1-1 to report the issue.

Damaged Cart - Replace Lids or Wheels:

If your garbage cart is damaged, please contact the City-Parish at 3-1-1 or (225) 389-3090 to determine how to move forward with replacing or repairing the cart. Please be prepared to provide all relevant information regarding how and when the cart was damaged, including picture of the damage if possible.

If the City-Parish determines you have negligently damaged your garbage cart in any way, you will be responsible for buying another cart at a cost of $60.00, which will be added to your water bill. If you believe the City-Parish is responsible for damage to your garbage cart, please explain this when you call the Solid Waste Division, and a representative will help you determine how to move forward with your report.

If you believe the garbage contractor damaged other personal property, please see the “Property Damaged by Garbage Truck” knowledge base article.

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